Hindi Calculator

Hindi Calculator -

Online Calculator in hindi to english | Calculator with Hindi Words | Hindi calculator online
In words English
In Words Hindi

Calculator with English word display from Hindi word display - World's first calculator with Hindi and English words display. This math calculator shows this in numbers as well as in words. You can also see what you have calculated in words in this calculator. The calculator has inbuilt number to words converter. The results obtained from the calculations are also displayed in words. This online calculator shows you the result in text format in English and Hindi language.

This online calculator lets you take input from the on-screen keypad and also from your computer keyboard.

Online calculator with Hindi support -

Traditionally the calculator shows your input number in digits only. We have developed an online calculator which has numbers as well as display in Hindi words. You can also view input numbers and results after calculation not only in words. The words are in English as well as Hindi language display in it.

What is calculator? Whenever we have to do any big calculation, we miss the calculator more. But have you guys wondered what is this calculator and how it completes all the mathematical calculations so quickly. Are there different types of calculators and how do they work? If you have ever had these questions in your mind and you did not get much information about what a calculator is and how it works, then there is nothing to worry because you are the subject of this calculator. I will know.

We often overlook the feature of small devices, which means we don't give much importance to devices that are as small as the palms of our hands. The same happens with our calculation tool. Yes friends, it is small in appearance but it can be made in a very large quantity in a pinch. Talking about calculations, we can do many small calculations in our mind too, but it also has a limit and after that we start having trouble with it. That's why we humans have been making such machines from the very beginning that can help us in calculations. Till now, these calculators are now used in our smartphones as applications running from various devices. But even if it sounds a bit strange to you, the calculator has gone through several evolutionary stages, so we've been able to see and use this form of tool.

What is calculator:

A calculator is an electronic hardware device or software capable of performing very mathematical calculations such as addition, multiplication, subtraction and division. Casio Computer Co., Ltd. The company first launched the commercial electronic calculator in the year 1957. Since then, the shape, features and functions of the calculator have changed greatly. These changes were brought by the manufacturers according to the needs and usage of the people. They also began to build it into their operating systems for computers, smartphones and tablets. Many operating systems like Windows, iOS, Android, Mac have their own built-in calculator application.

The word calculator "R" comes from the Latin word calculare, which means to count using stones.

We use these calculators so much that they have become a part of our lives. The price of these calculators depends on their features, application and size. In today's time learning to use it has become very important. This is because present time requires more time and simplification of our calculations saves us a lot of time. Also, due to the use of necessity, the demand for scientific calculator has also increased significantly, because it has many such functions, which Engineers, Architects, Scientists need to do their work.

History of calculator:

There was a time when these numbers did not exist at all. Man used his hands and feet as a counting tool. But this was not enough because when it came to high numbers, it became impossible to calculate. Then our civilization invented the abacus, which is the oldest calculating device except the fingers.

Even though they are no longer used that much, the abacus was the only device that introduced the calculating machine to human civilization. Then gradually there were many changes in this calculating machine and finally this calculator was made which we use for our calculations. But this did not happen very soon, rather it took many years to happen, which we will know later. Next you will learn about the most important calculation machines by their manufacturer and by year.

1623: First Adding Machine

Device Name: Counting Clock

Inventor: Wilhelm Schickard

Schickard's "Calculating Clock" had a multiplication device as a mechanism for recording intermediate results, while there was also a 6-digit decimal adding device.

1773: The first functional calculator

Inventor: Philipp Matthäus Hahn

Hahn felt that he should design a machine that would help him calculate the parameters of the clock and the planetarium.

So he based his calculator on the "Stepped Reckoner" calculation machine, developed in 1672 by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Hahn's calculator consisted of a set of twelve drums in a circular arrangement and used to activate a crank which was present in the axle. of drums.

1820: The first commercially produced mechanical calculator

Device Name: Arithmometer

Inventor: Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar

This arithmetic was the first calculating machine that was very successful commercially because it could perform all four basic operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

1954: The first all-transistor calculator

Device Name: IBM 608

Inventor: IBM

The IBM 608 was the first computing machine to use a solid-state transistor instead of a vacuum tube. The main memory of this machine can store about 40 numbers of nine digits and can do about 4,500 extra jobs per second. More than 3,000 germanium transistors were used in this IBM 608.

1961: The first all-electronic desktop calculator

Device Name: Anita MK-8

Inventor: Bell Punch

In 1956, Bell Punch Co. Instead of making a ticket punch, a company based in Great Britain, they thought of doing something different and created a commercial electronic desktop calculator, codenamed ANITA. About 170 cold cathode vacuum tubes, a dekatron decade counter tube, and nummulator display/indicator tubes were used in this machine.

1967: The first handheld calculator

Device Name: Cal Tech

Inventor: Texas Instruments (TI)

According to the Texas Instruments website, "Cal Tech" was a codename and named after the device that was being developed at the time, and which was released commercially in 1970. This 45-ounce calculator had a small keyboard with 18 keys and a visual output that could display up to 12 decimal digits.

1971: First TRULY POCKET-SIZED ELECTRONIC Calculator which used LED display

Device Name: Busicom LE-120A "HANDY"

Inventor: Busicom

The Busicom LE-120A, also known as the Handy, was the first handheld calculator to use a "calculator on a chip" integrated circuit. Since this calculator was very expensive for its time, it had a wrist strap at its base to protect it from falling.

1974: The first handheld programmable calculator

Device Name: HP-65

Inventor: Hewlett-Packard

It was first manufactured by Hewlett-Packard as a "personal computer". These calculators allowed users to either purchase programs on pre-programmed cards or write programs themselves, which were about 100 lines long and were recorded on blank cards.

This calculator cost $795 when it was launched in 1974. Whereas in 1975, when the first joint U.S.-Soviet space flight took off, it became the first handheld calculator to be sent into outer space.

1985: The first graphing calculator

Device Name: Casio FX-7000G

Inventor: Casio

The Casio fx-7000G was developed with 422 bytes of memory and could store around 10 programs in its 10 program slots. Current graphing calculators such as the TI-83 use the same fx-7000G display format.

2003: First graphing calculator with touch functionality

Device Name: Sharp EL-9650

Inventor: Sharp

When people thought of touch devices, and the use of their fingers, Sharp had a different idea and introduced the first stylus-based graphing calculator.

The EL-9650 had a slideshow functionality that allows teachers to teach pre-programmed lessons and formulas in the calculator.

2010: The first color graphing calculator

Device Name: Casio PRIZM

Inventor: Casio

In the early 2000s when all mobile devices quickly moved to full-color screens, however, it took some time for graphing calculators to catch on. Casio's PRIZM calculator, which was launched in late 2010 with its advanced, 216×384 resolution, full-color display.

This PRIZM allowed students to draw graphs on top of the image, facilitating them to understand the real-world applications of their work. And better start using this graphic calculator.

What happens inside the calculator?

If you opened a 19th-century calculator, you'd find lots of small parts inside: precision gears, axles, rods and levers that were well-greased, and that moved around. Clicking and spinning as you type a number. But the thing about modern calculator is different because you will get to see many small tools in it. Let's know about them:

1. Input: Keyboard: It consists of 40 small plastic keys with a rubber membrane underneath and a touch-sensitive circuitry.

2. Processor: A microchip that does all the hard work. It does all the work that those gears used to do in earlier calculators.

3. Output: A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) that shows you the number as you type something and also shows the result of your calculation.

4. Power Source: A long-life battery that is often a "button" cell that lasts for many years. Solar cells are also used in some calculators which provide free electricity during daylight hours.

What happens when you press a key?

When a key is pressed, many things happen in your calculator, let's know about them.

1. As you press the hard plastic, you also press down on that rubber membrane.

2. It pushes the rubber button down, which makes electrical contact between the two layers in the keyboard sensor and the keyboard circuit detects this.

3. It detects from the processor chip which key has been pressed.

4. A circuit in this processor chip activates the appropriate segments in the display corresponding to the numbers you press.

5. Even if you have pressed more numbers, the processor chip will still show them in the display - and it will do so until you press any operation key (such as +, -, ×, ), In which there will be another operation. If you press the + key, the calculator will store that number in a small memory called a register. This will now wipe the display and wait for you to enter the second number. As you enter the second number, the processor chip will display it digit-by-digit and store it in another register. Finally, when you press the = key, the calculator both adds the ingredients and displays the results. This was the basic function of the calculator.

Type of calculator:

If you look in the internet or in the market, you will get to see many types of calculators. All these calculators have different functions and are used by people of different ages. So let's know about the different types of these calculators.

basic calculator

what can it do?

  • add
  • Reduce
  • multiply
  • split
  • Percent
  • square root
  • simple memory function
  • Suitable for:

primary school age children

They are commonly used in homes

scientific calculator

what can it do?

  • pair
  • coordinate transformation
  • degree
  • degree/minute/second
  • exponential regression
  • exponent
  • expression editing
  • factorials
  • fix / ascii / norm
  • Different
  • Gradian
  • hyperbolic
  • inverse regression
  • linear regression
  • logarithm
  • logarithmic regression
  • negative indicator
  • permutation
  • power regression
  • quadratic regression
  • radians
  • random number
  • mutual
  • Roots and Powers
  • Standard deviation
  • table of a function
  • Trigonometric (SIN/COS/TAN)
  • multi-replay
  • Here's what to use:

For secondary school students

graphic calculator

what can it do?

  • Angle Measurement (DEG/RAD/GRA)
  • Bar chart
  • Combination (NCR) and Permutation (NPR)
  • complex data
  • Confidence Interval (Z&T)
  • dec/hex/bin/oct conversion
  • Distribution Test (Z, T, Chi, ANOVA)
  • Distribution (NORM/T/CHI/Fbinomial/poisson)
  • dynamic graphs
  • fix / ascii / norm
  • Different
  • Graph
  • hyperbolic / inverse hyperbolic
  • inequality
  • logic operation
  • Number of regression type 10
  • numerical equation solver
  • parametric
  • bracket level 26
  • pie chart
  • polar
  • random number
  • rectangular
  • Roots and Powers
  • single and double variables
  • statistical calculation
  • TVM - Financial Calculations
  • It is suitable:
  • graphics for students
  • for architects
  • financial calculator
  • What can they do?
  • Redemption
  • Cash Flow (Investment Valuation)
  • compound interest calculation
  • conversion
  • Cost Sales Margin and Day Calculation
  • exponential regression
  • complete scientific work
  • linear regression
  • logarithmic regression
  • multi-replay
  • quadratic regression
  • simple and compound interest
  • time-value-money calculation
  • It is suitable:

Anyone who is concerned with financial management

Correct use of calculator

Just buying a calculator isn't everything. If it is not used properly then it is considered better not to use it. Calculators were created so that it can reduce our complexity and make us more efficient. So, by using efficient calculator, it not only saves our time but it also provides us with more accurate results.

some things to know

1. It is very important to know about all the symbols of calculator.

2. Using parentheses, it tells the calculator which calculation to do first.

3. Calculating in one go saves you more time and also reduces the chances of making mistakes.

4. If you don't know about all the buttons, you must read the calculator's user manual once.

What are the uses of calculator?

Using calculator we can easily do many tasks like adding, multiplying, dividing and subtracting numbers. For example, calculators are used for many tasks such as calculating homework, income and math expenses.

Physicists and engineers use scientific calculators, which are more advanced than standard calculators. These calculators have more functions that are needed for scientific calculations.

Accountants and other finance professionals use special calculators, called financial calculators, to easily calculate interest on loans and savings as well as currency conversion.

There are many virtual calculators available online as well. Generally, an online calculator has some specific purpose, such as to calculate the number of calories burned during exercise, to know the due date of a pregnant woman, to know the estimated grade point average of a student. When we use these online calculators, users have to type some information in the input field and press calculate to see the result at the end.

Advantages of calculator:

Well the calculator has more advantages than disadvantages. To reduce the complexity of mathematical problems and to understand the topics properly and quickly, calculators are allowed in schools and colleges. Their role is most important for accurate counting and saving time.

A large number of problems can be easily solved repeatedly without any difficulty. Now almost all electronic application devices have calculator option. Scientific calculators have the option of a wide range of conversion data. Also, online calculators are being used a lot by all the users.

Disadvantages of calculator:

Using more calculators allows people to use calculators to do even the smallest calculations.

It also reduces the desire in young children to do some math calculations and they see calculators as a better option.

Calculators play a big part in not learning basic calculation skills.

Of course, calculator is used a lot for big calculations and it is also appropriate, but for easy calculations one should use his brain, as it makes the brain more sharp and also increases problem solving ability.

Future of calculator:

A lot of changes have been made over time in the design and technology of calculators. As the needs of the people grew, the manufacturers did not change them in size and made them for the use of the people. A few years ago, when Smartphones were invented, then these calculators were given the form of an application and they were included in that device itself. So, to maintain their relevance in the market, more sophisticated calculators were devised so that people would stay connected to them. So the future of calculators looks very bright to me, but for this they have to look better than their smartphone calculators, perform better and handle the complexity of the people better.